Ticking off that Bucket List, one Holiday at a time!
About Me


Let me introduce myself; My name is Mandy, and I'm an Aussie chick...Well, more like an older hen these days...but here I am, ready to share my adventures, my thoughts, various travel tips and hopefully some inspiration for others to get out there on any level: climb a mountain, book a cruise, swim with sharks, zip line, or just walk your dog - whatever makes you happy.
Enjoy what this amazing life has to offer.
We are here but once, so make it count!
I, or I should say 'we', as my partner in life for the past 36 years (as at 2024), is Trev, so get used to his face, whether he's suffering through yet another selfie with me, where one of us is inevitably looking at the wrong spot, or napping, which he is VERY good at, as we go hard on another adventure.
Now that our kids are all adult and independent, we have become focused, or perhaps a little obsessed, in travelling - whether it's exploring another part of the world, or just enjoying a wine and cider at our favourite surf club, watching the sunset.
We are always planning ahead, and often have different trips with various stages of payments made on them, and as at the end of 2024, we have travelled to all 7 continents and over 65 countries together, with lots more exciting plans booked ahead.
As a teenager, I had a sports coach who enthralled me with his tales of travel through Africa in the 1970's, where he even went hunting with the Pygmies of the Congo, (WOW), and from then on I think the travel bug bit deep.
Once I had left school, I worked and saved furiously and travelled halfway around the world at the age of 18, for 6 months, solo, only stopping when I ran out of money in London, scraping home with a weekend in Hawaii on $14 and a maxed out credit card, arriving back in Sydney with a single dollar note to my name.
I still have it...must find it.
Meeting Trev at 21, marrying him at 26 and having had 2 kids by 32, (adding to Trev's 2 older children), amongst running a business and building a couple of houses ourselves, not to mention my passion and devotion to my Arabian horses, we still snuck in holidays whilst we could.
USA a few times, Europe, South Pacific and Queensland Islands is what we enjoyed, as well as me sojourning off on my 40th to 'do Africa' and climb Mount Kilimanjaro, which I might add, was the beginning of the Bucket List.
Fast forward to 2016, when a life changing epiphany occurred. That nasty business of cancer came unwelcomingly knocking at our door, and, as we were extremely fortunate to get through that nasty bullet, it no doubt completely changed our perspective and outlook on the rest of our lives.
No longer prepared to wait until its completely convenient (when IS that anyway?), or retirement even, we are determined to LIVE LIFE NOW. To MAKE it happen.
A great line from a favourite movie of ours, "The Shawshank Redemption" that truly resonates with us is: "Get busy living, or get busy dying"......
Please, enjoy our travels, as I'll enjoy sharing them with you, and remember: It's not the kids' inheritance until you're pushing up daisies! Until then, it's YOUR bank balance.
I have recently updated my website to the 'New Wix Blog', so consequently I have lost all prior views and comments on my stories.
Please, feel free to leave your thoughts! x
All photos and words are property of spendingkidsinheritance.com unless otherwise stated, and cannot be used or reproduced anywhere else without written permission.
All GIFS used on my blogs are supplied by WIX.com.
You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
M x